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Off Campus Courses




If you want to take any courses outside of Seaside, please complete the Off Campus Course Request Form found at the link below.


Students interested in taking for credit courses at MCC must fill out the Off Campus Course Request Form above, and follow the steps listed on the MiraCosta website here and detailed below.

  1. Apply for admissions online. Two to three days after submission, the student will receive an email with their Surf ID number. Keep your Surf ID number safe because it will be used for any future courses taken at MCC.
  2. Submit a Concurrent Enrollment Form. You will need your Surf ID number, a personal email, a parent/guardian email (different from yours), and your counselor's email ( The form will automatically be sent to each party for a signature. It could take 5-7 business days to process.
  3. Submit a Prerequisite Form. This form needs to be submitted only if you are taking a course with prerequisites. Speak with your counselor or Guidance Tech if you are unsure.
  4. Register for classes. Using your Surf ID, register for classes using the online registration system.


Students interested in taking for credit courses at Palomar must fill out the Off Campus Course Request Form above, and follow the steps listed on the Palomar College website and detailed below.

  1. Apply for admissions online. Two to three days after submission, the student will receive an email with their Student ID number. Keep your ID number safe because you will need it to enroll in courses.
  2. Submit a Special Admissions Form. Email the completed form to your Counselor ( for their signature then email the completed form to
  3. Register for classes. Enroll in classes using the online registration system, MyPalomar.


Our Seaside Academy MiraCosta ambassadors can assist you in the application and enrollment process. Reach them by email or come see them in person in the CSA Counseling Department.





No more than 40 credits from the combined areas of college courses, private institutions, or charter school may be transferred onto the high school transcript.  Students must be enrolled in CUSD while attending an off campus class in order to receive credit on a Carlsbad Unified School District transcript.


CUSD shall grant credit toward high school graduation for coursework successfully completed at a community college, state college, public or private institution provided that:

  1. The electronic “Off Campus Course Permission Request” form must be submitted by the student prior to a student enrolling in the off campus course.
  2. The off campus institution where the course is to be taken must be from an accredited institution (WASC or other regional accrediting association). 
  3.  The student shall receive the same letter grade for the high school credit as is granted by the college or private institution.
  4. Upon completion of the course, the student must submit an official transcript showing the student completed the course. 

PLEASE NOTE: An off campus course taken to fulfill a CUSD graduation requirement may not be accepted by the UC/CSU system, private colleges and universities, and out of state institutions, or NCAA as fulfilling entrance requirements. It is the responsibility of the student to check with an admissions officer from each campus to which you intend to apply.